Privacy Policy
For those individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), Joseph, Mann & Creed (JMC) processes personal information about you.
We process personal information about you to find a solution to your debt and as part of the debt collection purpose under which Joseph, Mann & Creed operates. Information about you is collected continuously from our customers, public authorities and credit information agencies, including address information.
Some of your personal information can be shared with our customers, our suppliers such as postal and print providers and credit information agencies or others that help solve your debt.
You have the right to request access to the information we store and process about you, to request incorrect data corrected or deleted, to object to our processing, to revoke your consent, to obtain your data as well as to file a complaint to the Data Inspectorate about our processing.
When JMC registers information about you, we, according to the personal Data Regulation, will inform you of the following:
1. Who the data controller is
2. Why JMC is processing information about you
3. To whom the information about you can be disclosed
4. Your use of,,
5. How to change any incorrect information and / or access the information that JMC has registered about you
6. How to complain about JMC’s processing of your information
A. JMC as data controller
1. Data Controller
JMC is the data controller for the information that JMC is processing about you.
B. Processing of information about you
1. Collection and registration of information
JMC collects the information about you that is necessary to process the cases that JMC administrates or has purchased. For example, information such as name, address, SS Number, e-mail address, insurance information, payment information and / or information about damages. The collection information is recorded with JMC for administration and counselling and may be included in marketing material in an anonymized form. JMC also receives and records information, for example, from the Natural Change of Address Register, including for updating address information and information on possible advertising protection. In addition, JMC collects information from TLO/Lexis Nexis in order to record information about your property if you own one.
2. Particularity about sensitive personal data
If you provided information about personal injury or other sensitive personal information to JMC, these will only be registered with your consent. The information will be treated with particular caution and of course be kept confidential
3. Use your email address
JMC uses your email address to notify you of new JMC documents. You can notify JMC at any time if you do not wish to receive email by calling us at +001 216-831-5626.
4. Deletion
JMC stores only identifiable personal data as long as there is a purposeful purpose of storage and as long as it is necessary for JMC to keep the information.
C. Disclosure of information about you
As rule, JMC does not provide disclose your personal information as JMC, under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, has confidentiality obligations. JMC therefore treats all your information confidentially
However, JMC may, under in compliance with legislation, have a duty to disclose information to public authorities. JMC also has the ability to pass on so-called usual customer information about you if that disclosure is for purely administrative purposes, and therefore not for use by consultants either or for marketing purposes. or consulting.
In addition, in certain cases, JMC discloses information about you with your consent. If you have not consented, customer information is disclosed only with others within the scope of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and only if necessary, to browse.
Contacting JMC
If you have any questions or complaints about this privacy policy, or the privacy practices of JMC, You may also contact JMC at the details below.
United States:
Telephone: +1 216 831 5626
Revision Date: April 3rd, 2019